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베트남 전자 통신 전시회에서 Desay 제품 전시회

Announce time: 2008/12/8

Ho Chi Minh City, Nov.26–29 2008 -- Desay exhibits at the Vietnam Electronics Communication Exhibition to take the opportunity to introduce telecommunications products. Desay displays its rich series of GSM FWP, PCO payphone, GSM FWT, Cordless FWP, GSM+PSTN access FWP, GSM FWP with DECT handsets, Payeasy and OTA payment terminal, which are wide-popular with the buyers.

이전:Desay는 2008 년 홍콩 전자 박람회에 참가했습니다.

다음:DESAY 제품은 2009 년 봄 CSF에 전시되었습니다.

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